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🌿濕敏舒緩補濕水Advanced Eczema Soothing Toner (suitable for moist compress)




🌿濕敏舒緩補濕水 _ 升級版(濕敷必備) 受到不少客人喜愛的濕敏舒緩補濕水推出左加強版啦😆🥂而我們為考慮到濕疹皮膚容易留下深色的印/痂,所以將濕敏舒緩補濕水特別添加了有機永久花花水,能有效更新皮膚細胞,亦能減淡乾痂及色印,另外亦添加了岩藻醣,能有效保濕同時鎖水。 濕敷就像為濕疹皮膚做個水份mask一樣,為皮膚極速補水,濕敷方法:- 1)先在患處噴上濕敏舒緩補濕水,再塗上濕敏抗敏修復膏 2)取乾淨棉花/紗布,再噴上濕疹舒緩水 3)將已沾濕的棉花/紗布敷在患處,約10分鐘 4)如配合濕敏滋潤油使用,效果更佳 5)可用在臉上、身上,蠶豆症可用、嬰兒可用 成份:有機洋甘菊花水、有機金縷梅花水、有機永久花花水、維他命B5、天然保濕因子、岩藻醣 功效:淡化色印、深層補濕、舒緩痕癢炎症、加強皮膚吸收 保存方法: 放雪櫃可保存五個月 室溫保持3個月 Advanced Eczema Soothing Toner (suitable for moist compress) The well-received Eczema Soothing Toner is now relaunching with an advanced formula. To alleviate the pigmentation from the wounds and scars of eczema, organic helichrysum floral water is specially added to the new formula of the Advanced Toner. Helichrysum can effectively boost the renewal of skin cells, alleviate the scabbing, and improve the skin pigmentation. The fucose in the advanced formula can also provide long-lasting hydration for healthy skin. Moist compress is actually like a moisturising facial mask specially for eczema. To apply this soothing moisturising eczema mask, you can: 1. spray the Eczema Soothing Toner on the affected skin area, and then apply a thin layer of the Eczema Recover Cream 2. spray the Soothing Toner on a piece of clean cotton or gauze 3. place the soaked cotton or gauze on the affected area for around 10 minutes 4. for best results, use in conjunction with the Eczema Hydrating Oil 5. suitable for G6PD patients and babies on body and face Major ingredients: Organic chamomile floral water, organic witch hazel floral water, organic helichrysum floral water, vitamin B5, natural moisturising factor (NMF), fucose Functions: Eliminate pigmentation, moisturise, soothe, anti-inflammatory, strengthen skin conditions Storage: Best within 5 months if stored in refrigerator OR best within 3months if stored in room temperature About G6PD Mama During the years of the tough eczema recovery process with her two G6PD children, G6PD Mama is deeply inspired by the amazing healing power of the Nature. By establishing the brand, G6PD Mama hopes to promote and popularise this healing power with handmade natural organic products. Reminders: Results may vary from person to person. Allergy can be affected by factors like weather, food and different substances. Our products are all steroid-free and are not the substitution of any doctor’s prescription. No exchange or refund. Caution: All products are for external use only. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately and seek the assistance of medical personnel. If the handmade soap contacts with eyes, rinse with water immediately. To ensure the product is suitable for your skin type, it is recommended to perform a skin allergy self test on area of the back of your hand or your wrist before using a new product. #有機生髮水 #脫髮 #白髮 #diy護膚品 #有機 #organic #eczema #濕疹 #奶癬 #金盞花 #止痕 #止痕膏 #香港腳 #主婦手 #消炎 #天然防蚊 #黑頭 #粉刺 #蠶豆症 #玫瑰痤瘡 #暗瘡 #頭瘡 #淡斑 #口水疹 #有機護膚品 #葵涌廣場 #蠶豆媽媽 🌿關於蠶豆媽媽 因著擁有兩位蠶豆症小寶貝的蠶豆媽媽,陪著孩子漫長的血淚濕疹康復路程,深深感受到大自然的治療力量,亦期望將這些純淨有機的天然產品,推廣並普及化。 備註:效果因人而異,敏感情況可能會受天氣、食物、接觸物等影響。本公司所有產品並不含藥性,亦不能代替醫生處方藥物。不設退換/退款。 使用前注意事項: 所有產品只供外用,若使用後出現敏感症狀,請即停止使用,並請教醫生。若手工皂不慎入眼,請即以大量清水沖洗。在使用新產品前,為確保產品絕對適合你的肌膚,建議你作出自我肌膚敏感性測試,如手背及手腕測試。



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